Wednesday, December 2, 2015

North to Bahia

Porto Seguro.
Arrived in Porto Seguro lunchtime. At the entrance of town  we were stopped by a tourist guide 
Who informed us that we could get a hotel for the same price as a camping spot. He hopped on his motorbike and guided us to the hotel. We now have a room with air conditioning and nice cool shower, small patio and pool. Also included is breakfast and a secure parking for the Blue Wonder and only 100 meters from the beach and bus. Cost of the hotel is 70 Reales which is 
$22.00 CDN. We are not complaining. Porto Seguro is a real tourist town. It has the most hotels in all of Brazil and the population quadruples in December. We spent two days in Porto Seguro, visited the historic part of town which was established in 1503. Very interesting history.
Today, Nov. 30 we are en route to Salvador, Bahia is a poor province and the roads are in bad shape, it reminds us a lot of Peru, lots of plantations with very poor housing for the workers. 
Cardboard or tin shacks, I can not imagine the heat inside. We did 300 km. today which took us 6 hours, bad roads and crazy drivers plus lots of trucks. The scenery has changed, now we see jungle with cleared patches for the plantations, also lots of beautiful flowers. Stopped at a cacao plantation were we tasted some terrific chocolate drinks. Here thy speak a different dialect of Portuguese and even Norbert has to listen carefully to understand them.
Met Mr. Valmir dos Anjos, a doctor from Bahia, had a nice chat and he gave us fresh cheese and milk. Fresh milk is very hard to get here as the stores only carry the milk that does not need to be refrigerated. Even with my fridge, I have to boil the fresh milk first and then it keeps only a short while in the fridge. We are parked at an Shell station with showers available. It has 24 hours service so quite safe.
Hugs to all.
Norbert and Greti
Our alternate transportation

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