Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Just a little update of out time since our return from Brazil.
The first weeks were as always filled with paperwork and connecting with family and friends.
As before, it takes some adjusting to be back in a house with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, and the urge to downsize is very strong. How little we needed while on the road.
It was nice to join the knitting group again. Our grandson Taylor  and Lauren got married. Keaton now has his own place so we are empty nesters again.
Today we are ready for takeoff, did some practice hikes and 20 km. walks to get in shape.
Now we are at the airport waiting for our flight, sorry for the duplicate photos,
Hugs Norbert and Greti
 Hiking the Lynn Headwaters and my new keenfit walking poles
 Fishing on Franceaw Lake


  1. I imagine you are well on your way now - safe travels.

  2. HIIIIIIIII, I waited for this post...not sure when you are leaving.
    Ich bin natürlich wieder bei Euch dabei, laufe jeden verdammten Kilometer mit ohne mich anzustrengen. Werde an euch denke wenn ich gemütlich am Siesta Beach entlangschlendere, ab und zu ins Wasser hüpfe um mich anschliessend auszuruhen. NO WAY, ich weiß...das wär nix für euch Bewegungsjunkies. Habt viel Spaß und ich bin sicher, es ist nochmal so schön, wenn du liebe Greti es mit Norbert teilen kannst. Bin mal gespannt, ob er sich deinem Schritttempo anpassen kann. Ganz liebe Grüsse, Umarmungen und gute Wünsche für euren Weg..........RITA

  3. Thanks for The good Wisches, it is nice to See The family again, and lots of fun. Rita, I do not expect Norbert to slow down, we will walk our own tempo and meet up at the designated Hostel.
    Trying to walk together would be torture on us both. I will be thinking if you relaxing in the sun.
    Hugs Greti
