Saturday, August 29, 2015

From Larrasoaña to Pamplona, 20.5km.
Left at 7:0am. with jackets on but after 20 minutes it was time to take them off. Turned out to be 
27 degrees. We paused shortly before Pamplona to cool down and when we started walking again my left knee locked up. Found a Pharmacy two blocks away and I got a knee brace and Ibuprofin cream and took one painkiller and made it to Pamplona.
After a little rest we went to the post office and mailed 4.5 kilo to Holland. Two kilos from me and 2.5 kilo for Martha. I am sure the problem was caused by too much weight, so 4 pounds less should help. We treated ourself to a hotel and a magnesium foot bath. Pamplona was very busy as university starts in a few days.
Today August 28 we walked from Pamplona to Puente De la Reine, 27.2 km. and crossed the Alto de Perdon, temperature 38c. and me with a sore knee. Lucky there was a van from a Hostel, so we booked in and he took my pack there, walked the last 8 km. with just my water. Had a wonderful pilgrim dinner and off to bed.
Today the 29th. We started walking early to beat the heat again and arrived in Estella at 1pm. just in time for a shower and siesta. On the way we passed by fields of sunflowers in full bloom, everybody stopped to take a foto. Norbert and I are 
in an alberge and Karli and Martha decided to take a hotel, it is too hot for Martha. We now know quite a group with whom we keep meeting up. I recognize many places and things from my walk in 2013, also this time lots of pilgrims with sore feet and blisters.
One thing I learned last time, take your boots off at every possibility, if you see  a creek, put your feet in the water to let them cool down. In other words, take your time, at this time of year there are lots of beds available.
Big hug to all from
Norbert, Karli, Martha and Gret

1 comment:

  1. Hallo, ach ihr habt ja wieder Begleitung. Hoffe dein Knie lässt dich bald in Ruhe, vielleicht muss es nur "eingelaufen" werden und wenn es jetzt kühler wird gehts bestimmt auch wieder besser. Wir sollen ja einen gewaltigen Temperatursturz bekommen. Aber das interessiert mich nicht, denn wir fliegen morgen nach Florida. Da kommt gerade die wilde "ERICA" als Tropensturm angeflogen und ich hoffe, dass die uns nicht umweht.
    Liebe Grüsse von Otto und Gudrun soll ich euch ausrichten. Sie wünschen Euch ebenfalls Alles Gute für euren WEG ! Rita
